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Getting Started
Now that you've learned more, it's time to get started. Choose one of the options below to enroll.
Click the button below, then fill out the form that pops up and we'll call you back to complete the enrollment process.
Click the button below to see if we're available for live chat now. We can answer your questions and help you get started.
If you're ready to get started, click the button below to choose your classes and finish enrolling online now.
What We Believe
This is text about your studio’s core values. You should include something here that tells parents what you’re trying to accomplish above and beyond the actual classes you offer.
In this section, paint the vision for a parent. Talk about how a performing arts education can help a child be successful no matter what they do in life.
Happy Parents and Dancers
Dancenter Academy of the Arts
4205 W. 6th St
Kansas City, KS 66913
(913) 223-5678